Migraine treatment with Botox is highly effective for most patients. Switching off the nerves or limiting their impulses can significantly reduce the impact of migraines. As a result, the patient enjoys life without constant headaches.

The latest methods of migraine treatment with botulinum toxin

One of the applications of botulinum toxin type A is the treatment of chronic migraines. This is one of the procedures, usually used when other methods fail.

To assess the effectiveness of this method, at least 3 treatments should be performed at an interval of 12 weeks each.

Ultimately, statistically, improvement is achieved in over 70% of cases.

Each treatment uses about 200 units of Botox, so the procedure is unfortunately not the cheapest. During each procedure, 35 to 41 injections are performed in the area of ​​the forehead, temple, occiput, neck and trapezius muscle.

Migraine treatment – patient qualification

It is very important to qualify the patient for the procedure, because not all types of headaches can be treated this way.

Therefore, in our office, the patient fills out a specially designed questionnaire and should keep a so-called “migraine diary” between treatments.

The idea of ​​the procedure is the ability of the drug to block the release of inflammatory mediators and pain mediators from the endings of the trigeminal, greater occipital, lesser occipital, third occipital, auriculotemporal, great auricular and supraclavicular nerves. This leads to a central decrease in sensitivity, which reduces the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches.

Qualification for the procedure using botulinum toxin


Botox migraine treatment is a method that is becoming increasingly popular. It involves administering botulinum toxin to specific points in the head and neck area. Botulinum toxin blocks the conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to muscle relaxation. As a result, muscle tension is reduced, which is considered to be one of the factors contributing to migraines.

The botox migraine treatment procedure is performed by a specialist doctor under local anesthesia. It involves administering several or several dozen injections of botulinum toxin to specific points in the head and neck area. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes and does not require hospitalization.