Filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid is one of the best methods of skin regeneration and smoothing.

Where do wrinkles come from?

Wrinkle formation is a natural process associated with the aging of our body. The following are responsible for their formation:

  • genes
  • spontaneous facial expressions and strong facial muscles
  • age-related decrease in the number of collagen fibers
  • water loss from all layers of the skin
  • smoking and unhygienic lifestyle
  • excessive exposure to UV radiation
  • insufficient care and moisturization

The mechanism of wrinkle formation and fixation is the result of weakening of the skin scaffolding, which is made of collagen and elastin fibers. Regardless of the cause of their formation – we do not like wrinkles. We all like to look young and beautiful.

How to get rid of wrinkles?

Wrinkle removal is a fairly popular description of the problem used in aesthetic medicine. Currently, we have many methods that, when applied quite early and regularly and responsibly selected to the patient’s needs, allow you to forget about the problem of skin aging and wrinkle formation for a long time.

In the case of permanent wrinkles, the best solution is to fill them with cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Depending on the depth of the wrinkles and their location, the aesthetic medicine doctor selects the type of preparation and the treatment technique. However, the best effect is achieved using many available methods. This is usually also the use of lasers, botulinum toxin and fat transplants in various forms.

Filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid – effects

The effect of filling wrinkles is visible practically immediately after the procedure. Despite this, the final assessment is usually made about two weeks after the procedure. Then, in addition to the wrinkle being pushed out, the edges of the wrinkle are softened, its level is leveled with the surrounding skin and its moisture level is improved. In the case of very deep wrinkles, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure.

When using the microdeposit technique, the final effect is assessed after about 3 months. This is because in this case, skin regeneration and repair occurs over such a long period of time. Of course, we can observe how it gets better from week to week.

The effect of wrinkle filling depends on several factors:

  • wrinkle depth
  • depth of the preparation administration
  • amount of the preparation administered
  • degree of cross-linking of hyaluronic acid and quality of the filler administered
  • location of wrinkles
  • performance of additional treatments
  • life hygiene
  • personal characteristics of the patient (genetics)
  • concomitant diseases
  • amount of water in the diet and in the patient’s body
  • performance of treatments that accelerate the absorption of hyaluronic acid, such as frequent sunbathing, use of treatments that intensively heat the skin, such as radio waves, IPL, lasers.

In the case of shallow wrinkles, where poorly cross-linked hyaluronic acid was administered, the effect of the treatment lasts for about 6-8 months and injecting it after this time usually guarantees a good effect for another 1.5 years. If the wrinkles are located in the forehead area and the treatment is supplemented with botulinum toxin injections – then the effect lasts much longer.

Medium-deep and deep wrinkles require the administration of hyaluronic acid with denser cross-linking, which extends its duration. The effect of the wrinkle filling treatment in this case lasts for 8-18 months.

Is wrinkle filling enough for me?

Sometimes it happens that the problem of wrinkle formation is not only due to water loss in the skin. It is important to consult a doctor before the treatment – a specialist in aesthetic medicine, who will diagnose the problem and cause of wrinkle formation. In mature women, the problem of deep furrows in the form of hanging folds often appears. This is due to a decrease in skin firmness and tension associated with sagging, shortening and loss of collagen fibers in the entire volume of the skin, as well as loss of fat tissue, especially subcutaneous fat. The action of gravity complements this undesirable effect. In such cases, apart from filling wrinkles, it is worth considering a general facelift with hyaluronic acid, laser treatments (laser lift) and fat grafting.