Excessive sweating – Treatment of excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is a problem that can actually be eliminated with botox. As a result, the treatment of excessive sweating is performed with botulinum toxin, which has the ability to block sweat glands.

People who suffer from it know very well how terrible a problem it is to have constantly wet hands, sweat dripping from the forehead or wet stains on clothes under the arms.

Performing the procedure eliminates the symptoms by 70-100%

It is worth remembering:

Purpose of the procedure/indications
blockage of sweat glands

Preparation for the procedure
forehead, hands – no preparation,
armpits – shave on the day of the procedure

Necessary laboratory and specialist tests

pregnancy and breastfeeding, neuromuscular conduction diseases e.g. myasthenia gravis, some neurological and autoimmune diseases, some autoimmune diseases

Necessary tests

Type of anesthesia
anesthetic cream at the patient’s request

15 minutes

Post-treatment recommendations

Symptoms after the procedure
the effect of botulinum toxin appears from the 2nd to 14th day after the procedure

Possible complications

Effects of the procedure

Excessive sweating – Additional information:

Treatment Excessive Sweating

Contraindications to Botox Treatment for Excessive Sweating

Excessive Sweating – When Does Sweating Become a Problem

Why Do My Hands and Feet Sweat

How Does Botox Eliminate Excessive Sweating?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that blocks nerve conduction. Injected into the area of ​​the sweat glands, it initially blocks the nerve impulses sent to these glands by sympathetic nerves. As a result, the sweat glands stop producing sweat, and excessive sweating is significantly reduced or completely eliminated.

The Botox treatment for excessive sweating involves injecting a small amount of the toxin into the areas where excessive sweating occurs. Most often, these are the armpits, hands, and feet. The procedure is performed in a doctor’s office, under the supervision of an aesthetic medicine doctor.

The effect of the procedure appears after about 2-3 days and lasts from 6 to 12 months. After this time, the procedure can be repeated.

Botox is an effective method of treating excessive sweating, which allows for a significant reduction or complete elimination of the problem. What’s more, the procedure is safe and does not require convalescence.

Additionally, some important information about the treatment of excessive sweating with Botox:

  • First: The procedure is intended for adults with excessive sweating of the armpits, hands or feet.
  • Second: The procedure is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people with neurological diseases.
  • In addition: Before the procedure, inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, including medications for hypertension.
  • Finally: After the procedure, avoid excessive physical exertion and alcohol consumption.
