Biogenica brand philosophy – The last 15 years have seen great development and expansion of aesthetic medicine. Every year, modern lasers, preparations and a whole range of different devices appear on the market. The fascination with treatments by modern women and men has meant that we increasingly often come across anti-advertisements of this medical field on the street. Huge cheeks, unnatural lips, faces devoid of facial expressions… What’s more, the struggle between the capabilities of doctors and cosmetologists has meant that the well-being of the patient has ceased to be important for most “specialists”. As a result, profit has unfortunately become the most important thing, which unfortunately usually leads to disfigurement of patients and often serious complications.
The Biogenica aesthetic medicine, laser therapy, anti-aging medicine and professional cosmetics office effectively breaks these stereotypes.
Brand philosophy – knowledge and ethics
The combination of medical knowledge and ethics is in line with the development of modern aesthetic medicine, anti-aging and cosmetology. As a team of specialists in various fields, we understand the needs of patients who want to maintain a youthful appearance without exposing themselves to the ridicule of those around them. We know how important your time and money are, which is why we choose the most effective, proven and safe procedures.
Biogenica is not just a clinic where Botox or hyaluronic acid is injected. We do not always follow the treatments promoted in the media, abroad and we are never guided only by fashion. We carefully select preparations and devices that bring great and long-term results. We are characterized by passion, commitment and the ability to match the treatment to the real needs of the patient. We believe that not everyone has to enlarge their lips and freeze wrinkles to look good. Aesthetic medicine and anti-aging is not only about improving appearance, it is a precisely planned process that will allow you to feel great for a long time.
Our offer is a comprehensive plan for years to come and a healthy life in physical and mental well-being.